Texas Revolution Basic Reading List

By Charles M. Yates

I've been asked several times to recommend books on the subject of the Texas Revolution which would be helpful for reënactors and living historians. In order to present the best historical interpretations possible, reading about and studying the period are mandatory. The problem is that in today's hectic world, it's hard to wade through the abundance of books and articles on the subject available without some sort of starting place. I should point out that this is not a list of the only books necessary to read to understand the period. It is not an ending point; it is a beginning point. A great deal happened in Texas during the fourth decade of the 19th century and it is well to remember that there is no one book or set of books that can give the reader a complete and total understanding of the subject. The learning process is neverending. (Ed. note: This list is subject to updates from time to time; these are listed at the bottom of the page.)

I, also, realize that many fine books have been left off of this list and, no doubt, one of your favorites is among them. It is not an insult to you or the author that your book isn't on the list, so don't send me nasty emails before you read the criteria listed below!

The books on the following list have been selected with a specific set of criteria in mind. The first criteria requirement is that the list is limited to non-fiction books concerning Texas from, roughly 1830 to 1840. Some of the finest books on this era in Texas history have been written fairly recently, so it is easy to establish the later half of the 20th Century as a second criteria requirement. In addition to these two criteria, the books need to be of general interest, readable, accurate and provide a variety of perspectives. After all, I think we've all had enough of the tortuous, dry, boring history taught in public schools to last us a lifetime. It's time to have our interests piqued; to question our beliefs and to exercise the ol' gray matter a little.

Many new discoveries concerning Texas history have been made in recent years and many more will be made as researchers continue digging through long forgotten records and documents. Again, these books are not meant to be the sole or terminating sources on the subject, but as a starting place for the continuing study of our Texian past. Be forewarned, though; history, particularly Texas history, can become a wonderfully satisfying addiction.

Sic Semper Texanus
Charlie Yates

As with any list, there are sometimes additions. Here is where those begin...

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